Personal Data Protection Policy

Information/Clarification Text and Consent Statement within the Framework of KVK Law No. 6698

Daf Logistics Social Service Const. Pey. Amb. Nak. Food Industry Trade. Ltd. Ltd. As a data controller, we (the Company) will process the personal data of our main employers and employees within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and will be able to transfer it to third parties at home and abroad when permitted by the legislation. With this information text, we inform you about our mutual rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

Purpose of the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy:
Daf Logistics Social Service Const. Pey. Amb. Nak. Food Industry Trade. Ltd. Ltd. As the data controller, we show utmost sensitivity to the security of your personal data. With this awareness, we attach great importance to the processing, recording, transfer, sharing and storage of all personal data of all persons associated with our company, including those who benefit from our products and services, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("KVK Law").

Protection of personal data is among the basic policies of our company, and our company has given priority to the confidentiality of personal data throughout its existence, adopted this as a working principle and instructed its employees to work in line with this principle. Our company accepts and undertakes to comply with all responsibilities brought by the KVK Law. With full awareness of this responsibility and as the Data Controller, we process, record, transfer, share and store your personal data as explained below and within the limits prescribed by official legislation.

B. Collection, Processing and Processing Purposes of Personal Data:

Our company's policy on the Protection, Processing and Confidentiality of Personal Data has been prepared in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the legislation published within the framework of this law. In this context, your personal data may vary depending on the services, products or commercial activities provided by our Company; It can be collected verbally, in writing or electronically, by automatic or non-automatic methods, through offices, websites, social media channels, mobile applications and similar tools. As long as you benefit from our company's products and services, your personal data can be processed by creating and updating.

Additionally, your personal data may be processed when you participate in organizations with the intention of benefiting from our Company's products and services.

Your personal data obtained from you with your consent or due to legal compliance reasons stated in the laws of the Republic of Turkey;

a. Our business units can carry out the necessary work to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company,

b. Recommending and presenting the products and services offered by our company to you by customizing them according to your tastes, usage habits and needs,

c. Improving the quality of the services offered by our company and improving our quality policy,

D. When you log in with your username and password in order to receive services from the channels offered by our companies, to process your personal data, preferences, transactions and browsing time in the relevant channels, as well as the data obtained, in order to provide you with the information and services you have requested,

to. To be able to make notifications (renewal, termination, etc.) regarding all kinds of loyalty cards issued and/or to be issued by our company and its related companies/organizations and website memberships of our company and its related companies/organizations, all kinds of communication that may be established with you, new services to be offered. To inform you about possible changes, innovations and similar issues in products, personal data policies and membership conditions,

f. Ensuring the legal and commercial security of legal and real persons with whom our company has a business relationship (administrative operations for communication carried out by our company, ensuring the security and control of the physical areas of the company, business partner/customer/supplier (officials or employees) evaluation processes, legal compliance process, financial affairs etc.),

g. Managing security operations, accidents or other similar events for medical-insurance purposes,

h. To develop and improve our information technology systems and security systems,

i. Ensuring the safety of those in our work areas by using video camera images and helping to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute criminal offenses; Establishing, exercising or defending our legal rights, also taking into account photographs,

j. To inform you about the information, events and services you request from our company,

k. Determination and implementation of our company's commercial and business strategies

l. Our company's people
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